Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Copyright Law

What's the purpose of copyright law?
Only the owner has the right to use their work- protects them
What can be copyrighted?
Original work that can be seen or heard
Books Plays Music Dance Movies & Pictures- not ideas, just the form one takes
How long can something be copyrighted for nowadays?
A lifetime + 70 years
Company over 100 yrs- like forever
How long could you copyright something for a long time ago?
14 yrs
What's the public domain?
Where anyone can use the work once the copyright has expired and is now free for anyone to use
What is fair use?
Borrowing a small amount of a copyrighted work to make a point...
What reasons can you borrow something that's been copyrighted?
You can borrow a small amount of a copyrighted work- parody, critical comment...
Certain rules
What's the guidelines of fair use?
-The nature of the work borrowed
-The amount you borrowed
-Can't change the original work's value in the marketplace
Or a legal defensible position

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